"We took this seminar 3 years ago and began implementing what we learned as soon as possible. We increased our profits 5% of sales. I came back this year for more ideas..."

Susan Plats, Restaurant Owner, Chicago, Illinois

"My accountant did not know about the FICA creditā€”after the seminar I told him about it, he sent in 3 years of amended returns and I got a refund of over $8,000!"

Syd Ramey, Restaurant Owner, Los Angeles, California

"I implemented a few of the controls and this is the first time in three years I have made money."

Jack Richfield, Restaurant Owner, Seattle, Washington


You will receive a free sales tax audit E-book and stay informed on changes and new techniques in restaurant accounting.

Sales Tax Audit E-Book

"...The tax audit process is so imprecise and arbitrary that it falsely identifies theft...as unreported sales"

The Gateway to Profitable Restaurant Ownership

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The Gateway to Profitable Restaurant Ownership


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